Conscious Female Leadership Programme

Become Certified

Elevate, Innovate, Inspire

Conscious Leadership Certification Programme

Who can join?

  • Founders & Entrepreneurs

  • C Level

  • Team Leads

  • Business owners

  • Mid-Level Managers

What You’ll Gain

  • Raise your consciousness

  • Learn practical mindfulness techniques to enhance focus and resilience

  • Shift your mindset to embrace positivity, adopt above-the-line thinking, and watch your reality transform

  • Learn tactics to navigate stress, difficult people, blockers

  • Master the art of establishing firmer boundaries and secure the respect you rightfully deserve

  • Master navigating your emotions, stress levels, difficult people and conversations

  • Practical & actionable tools to use in the workplace

  • You will be embodying consciously leadership yourself in life & business

Unleash Your Greatness, Leave a Lasting Legacy.

Are you feeling lost and unsure about where to start with self-development and leadership?

It all begins with YOU — lead yourself first, then guide others and the business.

Embark on a transformative journey with us. Begin by understanding YOURSELF, establishing healthy boundaries, and mastering decision-making. Dive into aligning with your mission and vision, fostering innovation, and embracing accountability for high performance. Explore strategies for personal wellbeing, resilience, and mental health. Elevate your leadership skills for high-growth businesses, including essential marketing and sales tools. Join us in unlocking your full potential and achieving holistic success.

The Structure of the Programme

  • 9 Weeks (1.5 Hours weekly)

  • Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be LIV certified.

  • Designed by a team of leading neuroscientists and psychologists, and it will be facilitated by successful Female Business Entrepreneur and Mentor.

  • Guest Speakers x 3 | Journal to document your transformation | 1:2:1 Sessions | Group support – LIV community | pre-work and reflection exercises for maximum success | Carefully curated library of resources.

Dive into the comprehensive world of Holipractic™, where we cater to every dimension of humanity—mind, body and consciousness. Get ready to uncover your subconscious, decode triggers, skilfully handle challenges, and propel your career or business to new heights.


Listen up.

What are you consciously going to get from the programme?

In this episode, we delve into the essential question: Why Elevate Your Leadership? Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery into the myriad benefits that stem from investing in your personal growth as a leader.

Stream our Podcast

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Conscious Living & Conscious Leading

Our mission is to inspire individuals to tap into their untapped potential, liberate themselves from inhibitions, and elevate their consciousness. Through insightful discussions, interviews, and thought-provoking content, we guide our listeners on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

We believe in the power of conscious leadership and aim to empower our audience to become mindful, purpose-driven leaders in their personal and professional lives.

Join us on this journey of growth, enlightenment, and conscious living, as we explore the pathways to unlocking your deepest potentials and embracing a life led by awareness and purpose.

"As a leader it can be sometimes difficult to see the wood from the trees or wheat from the chaff. As a coach my job is to hold the mirror up to a leaders behaviours and actions, helping them to gain true clarity. This programme does just that; it develops a deeper level of personal awareness, a greater understanding of others and opens up an appreciation of the power of reflection.  The result: more conscious and thoughtful leaders who are more productive and impactful."

Nicola Rylett Jones - Mentor & Board Member


  • Conscious leadership is a transformative approach that centers on self-awareness, authenticity, and a profound sense of purpose. It entails mindfulness and attentiveness to personal, communal, and global needs. Guided by values like integrity and empathy, conscious leaders prioritise the welfare of teams, stakeholders, and the environment. This approach transcends conventional models by melding emotional intelligence, social responsibility, and holistic thinking for enduring success and positive societal impact.

  • To become a conscious leader, focus on:

    • Developing self-awareness: Understand your values, strengths, and weaknesses.

    • Practicing mindfulness: Stay present and aware of your actions and their impact.

    • Clarifying your purpose: Identify your personal and professional mission.

    • Cultivating empathy and compassion: Understand and care for others.

    • Embracing continuous learning: Commit to ongoing growth and development.

    • Making ethical decisions: Prioritize integrity and accountability.

    • Fostering collaboration: Encourage teamwork and diverse perspectives.

    • Embodying sustainability: Integrate environmentally conscious practices.

    • Leading by example: Be a role model for the values you promote.

    • Seeking feedback and reflection: Continuously learn and improve.

  • No, you do not have to be in a managerial position to work on conscious leadership. Conscious leadership is not exclusive to managers or those in formal leadership roles. It is a mindset and set of practices that anyone can adopt, regardless of their position or title within an organization.

    Conscious leadership is about personal growth, self-awareness, and making a positive impact in your sphere of influence, whether it's through your interactions with colleagues, contributions to team projects, or how you approach your work. It involves embodying values such as authenticity, empathy, integrity, and mindfulness in your daily actions.

    By embracing conscious leadership principles, you can contribute to a positive and inclusive work culture, foster collaboration, and inspire others to bring their best selves to the table. So, whether you are an individual contributor, part of a team, or in a leadership position, you can cultivate conscious leadership qualities and make a difference in your work environment.

  • Conscious leadership improves business performance by increasing employee engagement, satisfaction, and motivation. It attracts and retains top talent, fosters collaboration, innovation, and creativity. Conscious leaders prioritize ethical decision-making, build trust, and enhance adaptability and resilience. They focus on customer satisfaction and loyalty, drive social and environmental responsibility, and establish a positive brand reputation. Overall, conscious leadership creates a thriving work culture, empowers employees, drives innovation, and aligns business practices with ethical and sustainable values, resulting in improved business performance and long-term success.

  • Conscious leadership principles extend beyond the professional realm and positively impact personal relationships. By emphasizing enhanced communication, deepened empathy, authenticity, and trust, conscious leaders build stronger connections. They also apply conflict resolution skills, offer support and empowerment, practice mindful presence, and prioritize values alignment. Incorporating these principles fosters deeper connections, improved communication, increased trust, and a more harmonious and fulfilling personal life overall.

  • Conscious leadership improves the relationship with oneself by promoting self-awareness, authenticity, personal growth, self-care, compassion, balance, mindfulness, and self-reflection. It fosters a deeper understanding of one's values, strengths, and areas for growth. Conscious leaders prioritize alignment between values and actions, nurturing a genuine and authentic relationship with themselves. By embracing conscious leadership principles, individuals cultivate self-compassion, establish healthy boundaries, and prioritize self-care and well-being. This leads to increased self-acceptance, resilience, and overall emotional well-being.

Application Form 2024

Fees: 3,500GBP per organisation (per group)

1,500 GBP per individual